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Updated over 8 months ago

Milestones are tasks that need to be completed, and rewards are given for them. This feature gives the user visibility into what he has achieved and what he needs to achieve more to reach a certain milestone.

This feature is one of the main features that gives a client's user base a competitive edge and keeps all users motivated to achieve the set goals.

In an incentive Plan on Compass, milestones can be envisioned as smaller fragments of a task, each with its own rewards—the last milestone being the highest possible achievement as per the incentive structure, rewarding the maximum possible incentive/scores subject to its achievement by the end user.

What is a milestone?

Milestones are the tasks that need to be completed and rewards are given. A Plan can be a single milestone Plan or can have multiple milestones based on the incentive structure that the Plan has.

In which scenarios does one need to have multiple milestones?

If a Plan has a progressive reward system, where a user gets rewards based on the level of achievement he has made, to tackle such scenarios, one needs to create Plans with multiple milestones.

How to create a milestone?

Milestones are tasks that need to be completed, and rewards are given for them. New milestones can be added using the Add Milestone option below.

First, details of the task, such as milestone name, task description, conditions, and additional tips to help participants achieve targets (optional), are to be mentioned.

To add conditions a user needs to click on the Add Condition button. After clicking on it, the user can add the Field, Function, Metric and Static details for the milestone he is trying to create.

Under conditions, a user gets to add four fields: Field, Function, Metric and Static.

Metric can be any variable based on which the participant's performance is evaluated.

Function is basically the comparator in the Plan task condition such as greater than, less than, etc. based on which it is identified if a particular user is eligible for that milestone or not.

Static is the value that must be compared with the metric based on the function (numbers only).

Lets understand the above with an example. For our example we'll be setting up a condition where we will take the users who have CSP 200 ml Billing Achievement greater than or equal to 100.

To do so we will first pick the Metric, which is CSP 200 ml Billing Achieved in our example.

Next we will pick the Function, which in our example is Greater Than or Equals.

Finally, we will enter the Static value that the Metric will be compared on and click on Submit, which in our example is 100.

A user can also add more tasks or conditions for the user to be evaluated on by clicking on the + New Task (And/OR) and following the above process again.

The user will have to choose between the AND operator and the OR operator to determine how the task conditions are to be considered.

When there is more than one condition for a milestone, the user can delete any task condition he wants to. He can do so by clicking on the bin icon on the right side of the screen as shown below.

However, there must be at least one task condition for the milestone to be active.

After a user has set the necessary task conditions he needs to add Rewards for the milestone he has set. This is the reward that the participant gets for achieving the target.

The Rewards tab is where the admin can enter the Incentives to be earned or Metrics as rewards that he wants his end users to see for a particular Plan when he logs into the system or rewarded if the particular task condition is met.

The user needs to give details such as reward description, participants, reward type (Badges or score string or anything else) and the reward amount which could be dynamic (based on some conditions on metrics) or fixed.

Under the Rewards Type dropdown, a user will get to see all the reward types he would have set as rewards under the customisation tab:

Let us now understand the Dynamic rewards and the Fixed rewards with an example.

For our task condition, which was CSP 200 ml Billing Achievement >= 100, let's assume scenario 1, in which the user is rewarded 10% of his achievement.

Here as every user will have his own achievement, we cannot give Fixed reward, hence we shall pick Dynamic reward and set the condition of the reward by clicking on the Add Condition button.

By clicking on the Add Condition button, the user can set the condition as below.

Next, the user shall pick the rewarding metric, which in our example is CSP 200 ml Billing Achieved.

After selecting the metric, the user selects the function he wants to apply to it to set the reward. In our case, as the reward is 10% of the achievement scored, the user selects the Multiply function.

Finally the user shall enter the static value that the metric needs to be multiplied by to get the desired result. In our example, it would be 0.1

Now, let's consider scenario 2, where the user will be rewarded a fixed reward of 1000.

Here, a user simply needs to click on the Fixed option and enter the fixed reward in the dialogue box.

A user can add multiple rewards by clicking the + Add Another Reward button below.

Once all the rewards have been set a user simply needs to click on the save button at the bottom right of the screen.

Once done, click on + Milestone option to add a milestone and then click on Next again to save it proceed to next step.

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