
Why do we need the feature?

Using the Feature

Calculated Tab

Approvals pending Tab

Approved Tab

Example Use Case

UI Elements


Why do we need the feature?

The incentives module is the section in Compass that helps manage the payouts of the users. These payouts can either be audited and approved for creating a disbursal log or can be converted as redeemable point balance that can be redeemed against 4000+ Gift Vouchers. While the configuration of what comes into the incentives section happens at the Programs section, the incentives section helps manage the approval flow and the disbursal of the points. When an admin is creating a program group, they have the ability to either choose approvers for the disbursals of incentives or automatic disbursement. Very often, managers need to check the incentives before they are disbursed. A separate log is maintained for that purpose which shows the list of incentives per user that needs to be approved. Once approved, the incentives are paid out and another log is maintained for the same. If incentives are wrongly calculated or need to be revoked, an admin can do that as well. With lots of users it is difficult to approve or revoke individually hence, approve and revoke multiple option is provided where admins can use csv to approve or revoke multiple users’ incentives.

Using the Feature

The admin user needs to configure ‘points’ under the ‘rewards’ section within the program milestone to process these rewards as incentives. The user can also create different levels of approvals for these incentives in the ‘Program group’ creation step. Once the program completes, (at completion of program end date and the additional buffer days), the incentives start showing in the program details > View Incentives section with a ‘Waiting for Approval’ status.

To access the incentives section, click on incentives in the side menu.

This opens the list of incentives categorized between the tabs ‘Approvals Pending’, ‘Calculated’ and ‘Approved’.:

Calculated Tab

All the incentives that are calculated for all programs in the platform are listed in the ‘Calculated’ tab and the admin user gets to see this list of all incentives being processed (irrespective of the approval level it is currently at). This tab has an option to filter based on the various fields to narrow down the list to work with. The admin user can ‘Revoke’ (suggest to reject one or many incentives to the current approver by sending it back to their approval pending list) one or many incentives - by clicking ‘Revoke many’ or by clicking ‘Revoke this’.

Approvals pending Tab

The approvals pending tab lists the incentives that are pending approval of the specific admin user. Here the admin has the option to filter based on fields and narrow down the list of incentives that they need to work with.

The admin user can also sort the columns to further work with the list effectively. The admin user can choose one, the entire page and all the remaining records at one go for approval or rejection.

Approved Tab

The ‘Approved’ tab lists all the user wise incentives dispersed so far from the system.

It allows the admin to select a user and amend (add or subtract) the incentives that the user has cumulatively earned so far and provide a reasoning for the same.

Example Use Case

  • For including approvers to the incentives to be disbursed, the approvers need to be added to the Program Group creation page.:

If there is no requirement for adding an approver for incentives, ‘Automatically’ can be selected in the ‘Rewards will be distributed’ section.

  • The incentives that the program needs to award have to be defined under the ‘Rewards’ section while creation of the program milestones.

  • Once the Program is completed, the incentives are listed in the ‘Incentives menu’..

UI Elements

Below given is the screenshot ‘Approvals pending’ tab of the ‘Incentives’ page:

The main UI elements are as follows:

  • Table of all incentive pending approval

  • Filter for all fields

  • View selection of all fields

  • Checkboxes to select one or more incentive records

  • ‘Select all records’ option

  • Download option

  • Incentive ‘Reject’ button

  • Incentive ‘Approve’ button

  • Pagination

Below given is the screenshot ‘Calculated’ tab of the ‘Incentives’ page:

The main UI elements are as follows:

  • Table of all calculate incentives

  • Filter for all fields

  • View selection of all fields

  • Radio button to select an incentive

  • ‘Revoke Multiple’ button

  • Download option

  • Pagination

Below given is the screenshot ‘Approved’ tab of the ‘Incentives’ page:

The main UI elements are as follows:

  • Table of all user wise approved incentives

  • Filter for selected fields

  • View selection of all fields

  • Radio button to select a user

  • ‘Edit Multiple’ button

  • Download option

  • Pagination


How long it takes for people to interact with the feature for the first time, measure of ease of use and adaptability

Fairly simple to understand, self explanatory verbatim on the UI

How often feature is being used

Critical feature, hence used frequently

How long users spend interacting with the feature

Depends on the duration of campaigns configured, has to be used everytime for incentive disbursal in case of approver workflow.

Abandonment rate

None, as this is a critical and frequently used feature. Should be 0 as long as you have all the data.

Last updated