


List of Notifications

Feature Details


Why do we need the feature?

Notifications on Compass are system generated messages to the end users which are used to drive expected user behavior in form of tasks, reminders, appreciation, etc.

Notifications are a quick and easy way to grab user attention for anything that requires their imminent attention. These notifications help the organization to keep their workforce on incentive structures (and consequently on Compass) on their heels in terms of task completion or fast approaching deadlines.

Notification Channels

There are two channels by which users get Compass notifications, namely:

  • Push notifications - Notifications received on the Compass app

  • Email notifications - Notifications received on the registered email IDs

Push notifications can be accessed on Compass by clicking on the same in the fixed left pane on UI. This gives a pop-up on the right of the page listing all the unread notifications as shown in the screenshot below. For end users using the mobile app, Push notifications are available and served based on event and time triggers.

We'll also be sending out notifications and alerts via SMS in the near future.

These notifications could either be event triggered or time triggered. Please note that these are system generated notifications and are non customizable. For any custom information that needs to be passed on, we recommend using the Groups feature.

Delete or Mark as Read Option

You have an option to โ€˜Deleteโ€™ or โ€˜Mark as Readโ€™ these notifications one by one or together by clicking โ€˜Clear allโ€™ or โ€˜Mark all as Readโ€™

List of Notifications

The various active notifications on Compass are listed below:

ParticipantEvent/Time basedEvent/Time DescriptionCategory of notificationsSub-categoryChannelMail contentPush notification contentSMS content (Future Scope)


Event based

sign up invitation email to partner




Subject: Invitation to join Compass - a platform to gamify your incentives Body: Hello, {{sender_email}} has invited you to join Compass. Welcome to Compass - a platform where you can track your performances, your earnings and your payouts in one click. Stay on top of new incentive programs rolled out, organisation updates and everything else that is relevant for you to continue being a super star. Download Compass now! Steps to Login: Step 1: Here's the link to set your password: <link>. Link not working? Copy paste this link into your web browser: {{base_url}}/reset-password/{{reset_link}} Step 2: Download Compass mobile app and sign in with your email ID and new password iOS - Android - Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: Welcome to Compass! Body: Stay on top of your performances, incentive programs, earnings and payouts with Compass

Welcome to Compass! Stay on top of your performances, incentive programs, earnings and payouts. Track your position amongst peers and recieve important notifications to boost your performance. Download the app to start earning more, today! Android: <link> iOS: <link>


Event based

Forgot Password Email/Reset password




Subject: Reset your Compass password Body: Hi <Name>, Click on the link below to reset your Compass password: <Password Reset link> If you didn't raise this request, ignore this email and your password will remain unchanged. Stay ahead with Compass. . <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at


Event based

Account Blocked




Subject: Oops! Your Compass account has been blocked. Body: Hi <Name>, Since you have exceeded the maximum allowed unsuccessful login attempts, your Compass account has been temporarily blocked. This has been done to safeguard your account against unauthorised access. To regain access to your account, try logging in again after 30 minutes. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: Compass account blocked Body: Due to multiple login attempts, your Compass account is blocked. Try again in 30 mins.


Event based

Sending DIY users otp




Subject: Compass OTP for email verification Body: Hi <Name>, Welcome to Compass - a software where you can publish and broadcast incentive programs, track performance of your team in real time and calculate incentives with zero errors. Before we get started, let's make sure we have your email correct. Verify your email with this OTP: {{otp}} This OTP is valid only for 5 minutes. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at


Event based

This messaging will go out once the prospect has successfully setup the custom URL for the Compass platform access.




Subject: Invitation to join Compass- a platform to gamify your incentives Body: Hi <Name>! {{sender_email}} has invited you to join Compass. Compass is a platform where you can track your performances, your earnings and your payouts in one click. Stay on top of new incentive programs rolled out, organisation updates and everything else that is relevant for you to continue being a super star. Download Compass now! Join your team. Here's the link: <link> Link not working? Copy paste this link into your web browser: {{base_url}}{{reset_link}} Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at


Event based

sign up invitation email to admin


Sign In


Subject: Invitation to join Compass as an admin - a platform to gamify your incentives Body: Hi <Name>, You are now an admin of <Company name> on Compass. Welcome to Compass! - A software where you can publish and broadcast incentive programs, track performance of your team in real time and calculate incentives with zero errors. Here's the link to set your password: <link>. Link not working? Copy-paste this link into your web browser: {{base_url}}{{reset_link}} Proceed to sign in to Compass and start exploring. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: You are now a Compass admin Body: You are now an admin on Compass. You can now publish and broadcast incentive programs, track performance of your team in real time and calculate incentives with zero errors.

Super Admin

Event based

New campaign is created


Campaign creation


SUB: New milestone program, '{{campaign_name}}' has been published on Compass Body: Hi <Name>, Congratulations! A new milestone program, '{{campaign_name}}' within the Program Group '{{program_name}}'is now published. View the program here. <Link> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: New Compass Program added Body: A brand new program, {{campaign_name}}, has been added to the Program Group {{program_name}}.


Event based

New campaign is created for approver


Campaign creation


Subject: You are now an incentive approver on Compass Body: Hi <name>, Your have been made the incentive approver for {{campaign_name}} program of the program group {{program_name}}. Once the program has ended, please do ensure that you approve the incentives on time so that your team receives their payout without any delays or errors. View the Program here- <link> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: You are now a Compass approver Body: You are added as an incentive approver of the Compass program, {{campaign_name}} from the program group {{program_name}}.


Event based

New campaign is created for participant


Campaign creation


SUB: <campaign name> - An all new milestone program created on Compass Body: Hi <Name>, Hurray! An all new milestone program, {{campaign_name}}, has been created on Compass for you. View this upcoming program on Compass now and plan your win - <cta> Access Compass App </cta> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: New Compass program created Body: You have been enrolled to an all new Compass program {{campaign_name}}.

Yay!! You are now a part of {{campaign_name}} - an all new Compass program. Check it out on Xoxoday Compass now.

Super Admin

Event based

New program is created


Campaign creation


SUB: New program group '{{program group name}}' has been created on Compass Body: Hi <Name>, Congratulations! A new Program Group, '{{program_name}}', has been created. View all your program groups here: < Link> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: Access enabled to a new Compass program Body:{{program_name}} program group is now available for you to edit on Compass.

New program group {{program_name}} has been created. {{base_url}}{{program_link}}


Event based

Program Created message for approver


Campaign creation


Subject:You are now an incentive approver on Compass Body: Hi <name>, Your have been made the incentive approver for the program group {{program_name}}. Each time the programs within the group end, please do ensure that you approve the incentives on time so that your team receives their payout without any delays or errors. View the Program Group here- <link> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: You are now a Compass approver Body: You have been made an incentive approver for the {{program_name}} program group.

Super Admin

Time based

notifications to admins on program start date


Campaign Start


SUB: {{campaign_name}} milestone program is LIVE on Compass Body: Hi {{user_name}}, {{campaign_name}} milestone program has gone LIVE on Compass. Monitor program data updation, participation and leaderboards to get the best out of the campaign. Click here to view the program: <link>

Title: New milestone program live in Compass Body: The new program, {{campaign_name}} is on full throttle in Compass.

Super Admin

Event based

Notification for admins when a new target program is created


Campaign creation


SUB: New target program, '{{campaign_name}}', has been published on Compass Body: Hi <Name>, Congratulations! A new target program, '{{campaign_name}}', within the Program Group '{{program_name}}' is now published. View the program here. <Link> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: New target program live in Compass Body: A new target Program, {{campaign_name}}, of the {{program_name}} group, has been set up on Compass.


Event based

Send notification to participant when a target is selected


Campaign Progress


SUB: Target selection successful in {{campaign_name}}program on Compass Body Hi <name>, Your target selection is successful for {{campaign_name}}! Start tracking your progress and your earnings on by accessing Compass app now. If you happen to redecide on your target, you can change it by {{date}}. Click on a new milestone on the program screen and select 'set as target'. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: Target selected on Compass successfully Body: Your target selection for {{campaign_name}} program on Compass is successful. If you happen to redecide on your target, you can change it by {{date}}.

Your target selection for {{program}} program on Compass is successful. Login to Compass NOW and view programs to know more.


Time based

After leaderboard calculation at the end of program for no reward.


Campaign End/Close


SUB: The {{program_name}} program leaderboard is LIVE Body: Hi <name>, Here is the much awaited leaderboard for the {{program_name}} program. <Leaderboard> Your ranked {{rank}} out of {{participant_count}} participants for {{leaderboard_name}}. Click to view the detailed leaderboard on Compass: {{base_url}} {{link}} Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: {{campaign_name}} program ended on Compass Body:You have been ranked {{rank}} for the {{campaign_name}} program.


Time based

After leaderboard calculation at the end of program for reward.


Campaign End/Close


SUB: Congratulations on successfully completing {{program}} program on Compass Hi <name>, The program {{program}} has now come to an end. A huge round of applause to you for acing {{program}} program! You are ranked at <rank> for <leaderboard name> with {{award_value}} points. We hope you enjoyed participating and winning. Click to view the upcoming Compass programs so you can continue your winning streak. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title:{{program_name}} has ended. Body:Congratulation for winning {{award_value}} points for the {{leaderboard_name}}

Super Admin

Event based

incentive approve email to admin

Incentive management activity

Incentive Approval


SUB:Incentive for {{campaign_name}} campaign has been approved on Compass Body:Heading Hi {{to_entity_id}}, {{sender_full_name}} has approved incentives for the {{campaign_name}} program which is part of the {{program_name}} program group. View details of the incentives approved. <link> Stay ahead with Compass. . <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

SUB: Incentives approved on Compass Body:{{sender_full_name}} has approved incentives for the {{campaign_name}} campaign from the {{program_name}} program group.


Event based

incentive rejection email to participants

Incentive management activity

Incentive Rejection


SUB: Incentives for {{campaign_name}} program rejected on Compass Body:Heading Hi <name>, We are sorry to inform you that your incentive of {{value}} points for {{campaign_name}} campaign was not approved. The reason cited for was: {{reason}}. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact <approver ID>. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title:Incentives rejected for {{campaign_name}} program in Compass Body:Your incentive for {{campaign_name}} has been rejected in Compass.

Your incentive for {{program_name}} has been rejected. View your incentive details now on Compass app


Event based

incentive rejection email to approver

Incentive management activity

Incentive Rejection


SUB: Incentives for {{campaign_name}} campaign has been rejected on Compass Body: Hi <Name>, {{sender_full_name}} has rejected incentives to the amount of {{value}} for the {{campaign_name}} campaign which is a part of the {{program_name}} program. The reason for rejection cited is: {{reason}} Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: Compass incentive rejected Body: Incentive for {{campaign_name}} campaign has been rejected.


Event based

Incentive revoke when in approval pending stage

Incentive management activity

Incentive Revoke


SUB: Incentive Revoked on Compass Body: Hi <name>, {{admin_name}} has revoked the incentive of {{value}} {{points_label}} for {{participant}}. This incentive belonged to the program - {{campaign_name}}. The reason for revoking is cited as: -{{reason}}. You can access the incentive records in your pending approval list. Please action it (reject/ override) at the earliest so that your team receives their payout without any delays or errors. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: Body:


Event based

Inventive revoke - Instant & approval based (when fully approved)

Incentive management activity

Incentive Revoke


SUB: Incentives for {{campaign_name}} program revoked on Compass Body:Heading Hi <name>, We are sorry to inform you that your incentive of {{value}} points for {{campaign_name}} campaign was revoked. The reason cited for was: {{reason}}. Your current points balance is: {{available_balance}} . If you have any queries, please contact <admin_name> at <admin_ID> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title:Incentives revoked for {{campaign_name}} program in Compass Body:Your incentive for {{campaign_name}} has been revoked in Compass.

You incentive of {{value}} {{points_label}} has been revoked for {{campaign_name}} program in Compass. Login to Compass NOW to know more.


Event based

Incentive revoke when in approval pending stage

Incentive management activity

Incentive Revoke


SUB: You have revoked incentive for {{program}} program on Compass Body: Hi You have revoked the incentive for {{participant}} of value {{value}} {{points_label}} in {{program}} program. The reason you have cited to revoke is - {{reason}}. Please note, the program participants will be able to view this citation. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: Body:


Event based

Triggered when an admin has been converted to a normal user on the group


Group update


SUB:You have been removed as admin from {{group_name}} Compass group Body: Hi <name>, You have been removed as admin from {{group_name}} group. If you think this was a mistake, please write to your group admin. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at"

Title:Compass group settings have changed Body:{{{admin_who_changed_access}} has removed you as admin for the group {{group_name}}


Event based

Triggered when a user adds another user to the group


Add/remove participant


SUB: Yaay, you have been added to {{group_name}} group on Compass Body: Hi <Name> {{user_who_added}} has added you to the {{group_name}} group. Here is the group description: {{group_description}} Go to Groups in Compass mobile app to start a conversation in this group. Stay ahead with Compass. . <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title:Added to Compass group Body:You were added to the Compass group - {{group_name}}.


Event based

Triggered when a user tries to join a closed group


Add/remove participant


SUB: Request to join {{group_name}} group on Compass Body: Hi <Name>, {{user}} has requested to be part of {{group_name}} group. Click here to approve or deny access to the group now: <link> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title:Request recieved to join {{group_name}} group Body:{{user}} wants to join the {{group_name}} Compass group


Event based

Triggered when a user has been deleted from a group


Add/remove participant


SUB:You have been removed from <group name> group on Compass Body: Hi <name>, You have been removed from {{group_name}} group. You will neither receive notifications from the group nor can you participate in any conversations there. If you think this was a mistake, please write to your group admin. Go to Groups in Compass mobile app to view the other groups you can join. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title:You were removed from <group> group on Compass Body:{{{admin_who_changed_access}} has removed you from the group <group name> on Compass


Event based

Triggered when a user sends a group joining request and it is accepted by the admin


Add/remove participant


SUB: Yaay! You are now a part of the {{group_name}} group on Compass Body: Hi <name>, Your request to join the {{group_name}} group has been accepted. Go to Groups in Compass mobile app to start a conversation in the group. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: You are now a member of <group> group in Compass Body:Your request to join {{group_name}} group has been accepted.


Event based

Triggered when an admin rejects a user's joining request for a closed group


Add/remove participant


SUB: Shucks! Your request to join {{group_name}} group on Compass has been declined. Body: Hi <name>, Your request to join the {{group_name}} group on Compass was not accepted by {{rejecting_admin}}. Go to Groups in Compass mobile app to explore other groups you can join. Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: Request to join Compass group declined Body: Your request to join {{group_name}} group on Compass is declined.


Event based

Template when someone is tagged in the feed


Tag based


SUB: You were tagged in a conversation on Compass Body: Hi <name>, Looks like {{post_creator}} wants your attention on the <group name> group. Here's what they had to say: {{content_snippet}}, at {{date_time}} Click here to read the conversation: <link> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title: You were tagged on Compass Body:You were mentioned by {{post_creator}} on Compass

Single Tag


Event based

Template when group is tagged in the feed


Tag based


SUB: Your group was tagged in a conversation on Compass Body: Hi <name>, Looks like {{post_creator}} wants your group's attention on the <group name> group. Here's what they had to say: {{content_snippet}}, at {{date_time}} Click here to read the conversation: <link> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title:New conversation in Compass group Body:{{post_creator}} started a new conversation in {{group_name}}


Event based

Triggered when tagging in commenting in feeds


Tag based


SUB: New comment by {{post_creator}} in {{group_name}} group on Compass Body: Hi <name> {{post_creator}} has commented on a conversation in {{group_name}} group. It reads: {{content_snippet}} Click here to read the comment: <link> Stay ahead with Compass. <Footer> For any Compass related queries, please write to us at

Title:New comment on Compass group Body:{{post_creator}} commented on a conversation in {{group_name}}.

Feature Details




This feature helps end users to remind them of specific tasks based on programs that theyโ€™re a part of or general tasks/acknowledgement of completion


To notify users of all relevant events in the best concise way possible


Drive expected user behavior in given time frame by notifying them or reminding them of what needs to be done/ has been done


Admin, End users

Not doing


Acceptance criteria

Respective notifications triggered on Compass as per relevant event/time


How long it takes for people to interact with the feature for the first time, measure of ease of use and adaptability

Really simple feature where the user needs to navigate to the Notifications pane and read the content - there are no further features/options here

How often feature is being used

Notifications tend to go out as per defined events based on programs they are part of - used as frequently as the events of these programs

How long users spend interacting with the feature

High usage as notifications cover a lot of aspects on Compass

Abandonment rate

None, as notifications are an integral part of Compass and recommended to be viewed/used frequently

Last updated