Different types of Data and Data Fetches

Type of Data imported can be Productivity related and Pipeline related:

  1. Productivity-related Data consists of Data such as number/type of calls made, number/type of emails sent and received, tasks, meetings, etc.

  2. Pipeline-related Data covers the sales pipeline. For example; Interest expressed, follow-up call, Demo schedule call, Demo Presentation, Payment made, Deal Closed, Retention Metrics, etc.

One-time Data Fetch: When you execute the import from Close onto Compass, all data existing at Close is fetched at once.

Real-Time Data Sync: After the one-time fetch, all future data updates on Close are immediately reflected on Compass because of real-time data sync. You have this feature enabled by default in your Compass account.

Third-Party Bulk imports: Imports done in Close before the Close-Compass integration will be fetched along with the rest of the data. However, we do not support auto-transfer of third-party imports which are added to Close after the integration.

Last updated