













Why do we need the feature?

Reports are one of the most common and critical features for any data analysis tools/platforms. Reports basically help us gain meaningful insights or measure trends on specific KPIs of importance by transforming raw, supporting/relevant data. Reports are instrumental in determining if the steps taken in an organization are driving the expected results/growth/behavior.

On Compass, we have a wide range of reports that help admins do this - there are various use cases where these reports play a key role for a Compass admin:

  • Determine impact and trends

  • Used in audit trails

  • Daily updates and forecasting events and figures

  • Troubleshooting incentives

  • Track performance, to name a few

Types of Reports

We have the below 8 types of reports on Compass:

  1. Performance Report (Dashboard)

  2. Incentive Reports

    1. Program Incentive Report (Program)

    2. Overall Incentive Report (Incentives)

  3. Overview

  4. Redeemed Points

  5. Conversation

  6. Login Report

  7. Available Balance

  8. KPI

Performance Report / Program Calculation Report

Performance Report is a program level report which gives values for all rewards configured in the respective program against all the participants of the program.

This report is accessible via the Dashboard tab as shown below:

This is a system generated report for every program that has been configured on Compass. These can be accessed via two places for individual programs:

  • Under Dashboard, by cycling through the program names from the dropdown

  • Under Program, clicking on the three dots against the specific program name and clicking on View Dashboard

Upon expansion of this report (using the four arrows at the top right of the tab), we get a full view of the report and further options of filters, downloading the report in a csv format (top right, from left to right) and pagination options (bottom right) as shown in the screenshot below.

Performance reports are typically very useful in tracking the performance of all employees for each KPI (that forms the incentive structure) under one report.

Incentive Reports

There are two types of incentive reports on Compass:

Program Level Incentive Reports

This can be accessed at program level from under Programs by clicking on the three dots alongside program name and consequently on View Incentives.

This redirects the user to the incentive report for the specific program as shown in the screenshot below.

This report captures the user data, the calculated incentives of each user at the time, the status of the incentive (which can be Running, Waiting for Approval, Approved, Rejected), and the corresponding values of all metrics contributing to the incentive calculation. It can be downloaded in a csv format using the download button at the top right of the page as shown in the screenshot above.

Other options here to Recalculate the incentive and pagination options at the bottom right. To know more about these, please refer to the Program section.

Account Level Incentive Reports

These are accessible via the Incentives tab on Compass.

This has 3 tabs in which incentives workflow is defined - Approvals Pending, Calculated, and Approved.

All of the reports within these tabs can be downloaded in a csv format from the Download button at the top right.

To know more about the feature and incentives disbursal workflow, please refer to the Incentives section.


Overview under Reports gives the graphical last 6 month trends on the below 4 parameters:

  1. Total Login

  2. Total Redeem

  3. Total Recharge

  4. Total Award

Also, on the top left, you can find the current balance in the account. This balance is used by the end users for redemption of their earned points through Plum.

This can be accessed by clicking on Reports and selecting Overview from the drop down menu.

Please note that reports in the Overview section are non downloadable.

Redeemed Points

This report is basically the redemption history of all end users available in one place. This can be accessed by clicking on Reports and selecting Redeemed Points from the drop down menu.

This report captures the below 5 parameters for each redemption that takes place from Compass as shown in the screenshot:

  1. Name of the user

  2. Email ID of the user

  3. Points Redeemed

  4. Transaction Date

  5. Partner Code

This report can be downloaded in a csv format using the Download button at the top right of the page.

You can also search for transactions in a particular Date Range by selecting the same from the top left of the page.

Other options include Search functionality (Magnifying glass icon below Download) and Filter beside search, using which you can search for a particular transaction using a known value in the five parameters, or get a filtered view of the redemption transactions respectively.

You can set the number of transactions to be displayed and the page index using the pagination options at the bottom right.


This report captures all the communication activities that happen in various custom groups and the Townhall section. This can be accessed by clicking on Reports and selecting Conversation from the drop down menu.

The 6 parameters being captured here from a reporting perspective are:

  1. Group Name

  2. Nature of message (post, broadcast, comment, etc)

  3. Created By

  4. Created On

  5. Tagged Members

  6. Partner Code

This report can be downloaded in a csv format using the Download button at the top right of the page.

You can also search for records in a particular Date Range by selecting the same from the top left of the page.

Other options include Search functionality (Magnifying glass icon below Download) and Filter beside search, using which you can search for a particular record using a known value in the six parameters, or get a filtered view of the conversation records respectively.

You can also set the number of records to be displayed and the page index using the pagination options at the bottom right.

To know more about communication on Compass, please refer to the Groups section.

Login Report

This report captures login and logout information of all end users on Compass. This can be accessed by clicking on Reports and selecting Login Report from the drop down menu.

The four parameters being captured in this report are:

  1. Employee Name

  2. Login Time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM AM/PM format)

  3. Logout Time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM AM/PM format)

  4. Partner Code

Please note that for Logout Time to be captured, the end user has to logout from the app. This should not be considered as an indicator of active session.

This report can also be downloaded in a csv format using the Download button at the top right of the page.

You can also search for records in a particular Date Range by selecting the same from the top left of the page.

Other options include Search functionality (Magnifying glass icon below Download) and Filter beside search, using which you can search for a particular record using a known value in the parameters captured, or get a filtered view of the login records respectively.

You can also set the number of records to be displayed and the page index using the pagination options at the bottom right.

Available Balance

This report captures the current wallet (incentive) balance of all users. This can be accessed by clicking on Reports and selecting Available Balance from the drop down menu.

The six parameters being captured in this report are:

  1. Employee Name

  2. Email ID of the employee

  3. Partner Code of the employee

  4. Total Award Points - points earned from all campaigns till date

  5. Total Redeemed Points - points redeemed till date

  6. Available Balance - points left/available for redemption further

This report is a key metric determining the recharges to be done for the account.

This report can also be downloaded in a csv format using the Download button at the top right of the page.

Other options include Search functionality (Magnifying glass icon below Download) and Filter beside search, using which you can search for a particular record using a known value in the parameters captured, or get a filtered view of the login records respectively.

You can also set the number of records to be displayed and the page index using the pagination options at the bottom right.

KPI Report

The KPI report is a comprehensive and detailed report of all users’ achievements across all milestones of all campaigns that they are a part of and the corresponding award value and date. This can be accessed by clicking on Reports and selecting KPI from the drop down menu.

This report is one of the most critical reports using which following purposes can be met:

  1. Debugging of program logic / value mismatch

  2. Determining end user performance across timeline for any KPI / Program

  3. Visualisation of data flow in case of dependent KPIs/metrics

The following fixed parameters are captured in every KPI report, along with the KPI and milestone values configured:

  1. Employee Name

  2. Email ID

  3. Partner Code

  4. Campaign Name

  5. Milestone/Leaderboard Name

  6. Award Date

  7. Award Value

This report can also be downloaded in a csv format using the Download button at the top right of the page.

You can also see values for records in a particular Date Range by selecting the same from the top left of the page.

Other options include Search functionality (Magnifying glass icon below Download) and Filter beside search, using which you can search for a particular user using a known value in the parameters captured, or get a filtered view of the login records respectively.

You can also set the number of records to be displayed and the page index using the pagination options at the bottom right.

Feature Details




This feature helps to gain insights on various parameters included as a part of report parameters


Enable admins to pull reports to gain insights and make informed decision based on them


To cover all KPIs in reports in a way meaningful to the admins for derive insights



Not doing


Acceptance criteria

1. Expected and correct data reflected in Reports

2. All required measurable KPIs are a part of the Report


How long it takes for people to interact with the feature for the first time, measure of ease of use and adaptability

Fairly simple to understand, self explanatory verbatim on the UI for most reports. Other reports like Performance and KPI report might take fairly longer to understand depending on the configuration.

How often feature is being used

Critical feature, hence used frequently

How long users spend interacting with the feature

Depends on the type of report - while most reports are simple and straightforward to understand, while reports like Performance and KPI would need an understanding of how the programs have been configured and the incentive structure.

Abandonment rate

None, as this is a critical and frequently used feature.

Custom Reports

For any custom reports required apart from the ones mentioned above, please feel free to reach out to the Compass team to discuss the scope and feasibility of the same.

Last updated