Program Groups


User Flow and Design



What are Program Groups?

Program Groups is a feature of Compass to help classify different related programs in one group and define their characteristics accordingly. It segregates different non-related programs while keeping the related ones together.

For example, grouping programs that belong to a quarter, designations etc. However, the admin can decide for themselves the basis on which they want to club programs together.

This document covers different attributes of the Program Groups feature and its various use cases.

User Flow and Design

A program group is mandatory for any programs that are created in Compass.

  • To add a program group, you need to go to “Programs” in the left task bar of Compass and click on “Create a Program Group” option on the top right.

  • Once you click on the “Create a Program Group” option, a new page will open up to input the details of the program group. This is where you input all the info regarding the program group. You get to define the group name, brief description of the type of programs it will hold, type of rewards you would want to give out for the programs in that group (Cash vs Points), and define the start and end dates for the programs in that group. While the programs can still have different dates than what is specified in the program group, it is best to keep the program dates within the range of program group dates.

  • Once all the necessary details have been filled in, you also have to define the incentive approval process using the “Rewards will be distributed” option. You get to select between two options, automatic approval of incentives or define specific admin users who will have to approve the incentives before they are credited to a user’s account for redemption. Kindly note, whatever approval mechanism you set for a program group will be applicable for all the programs within that group and cannot be changed later. So, ensure you are selecting the appropriate settings and approvers, if applicable, while creating a program group.

  • If the incentives are set for auto-approval, as soon as the programs are completed, the incentives are credited to users for redemption.

  • Alternatively, to allow for manual intervention and verification of incentives before they are approved, you can select the “after approval” option in the program group. This way, once the programs are completed, the defined admin users will get to review and approve the incentives before they are credited to a user’s account.

  • To define incentive approvers, click on the “after approval” under “Rewards will be distributed”. Once you do that, a dropdown column will appear to select Approver 1. Only users marked as “Super Admins” will appear in this list. You can select the appropriate users who will be responsible to review and approve the incentives. Only one user can be selected so, if you want to add multiple users, you can click on the “Add Approver 2” option on the right and follow the same steps. You can add as many approvers as you want for any program group. But remember, only the necessary users who have the authority to approve/reject incentives should be added here as this cannot be changed later.

  • Once done, you can click on the “Create” option on the bottom right of the screen and the defined program group will be created. You should be able to see this group under the “Programs” tab. You can now add the necessary programs within that group.

  • All similar programs with the same approval mechanism can be kept under one program group. For example, all programs related to executives can be added under one group as they will probably have the same set of approvers. Whereas a program for Managers or Heads can be added in separate groups if they have a different set of approvers.

  • Likewise, all monthly programs can be added under one group where quarterly or annual programs can be a part of a separate group.

  • The admin can choose how these groups should be defined and the different programs they would want to club together within one group.

  • Below are the possible status of programs in a program group:

  • ‘Active’ menu shows the list of programs that are currently available to make live,

  • ‘Published’ menu shows the list of programs that are currently live.

  • ‘Completed’ menu shows the list of programs that are currently completed.

  • ‘Dropped’ menu shows the list of programs that have been rejected to be taken live.

  • ‘Stopped’ menu shows the list of programs that were stopped.

  • ‘All’ menu shows the list of all programs.



Program Groups


To segregate different non-related programs while keeping similar programs together.

User problem

Keep similar programs under one umbrella and define their characteristics accordingly.

User value

Helps create program groups to ensure all relevant programs can be mapped under one group and their overall characteristics remain the same


Approvers for a particular participant group will remain the same for a set of programs/campaigns

Not doing

Hierarchy level approvals

Acceptance criteria

Ability to create different participant groups and define their characteristics based on the need


  • Ease of Use - This is a relatively simple feature of Compass and can be picked up quickly by even new users. You just need to ensure you have all the relevant info before creating any program groups so that you can define its characteristics accordingly.

  • Frequency of usage - This feature is used mostly when new set of non-related programs are to be created. Once you create a group, you can add in as many programs within it as you like. So, all similar programs can be added to the same group and you won’t need to create a new group each time.

  • Time Spent - It is fairly quick to add in a new program group if you have the necessary info. It shouldn’t take you more than a couple of minutes to do so.

  • Abandonment rate - As long as you have all the info, this should be almost 0.

Last updated