
Why do we need the feature?


The “Users” section is used to upload the User database in the system. This is inclusive of the entire user universe, i.e. the end users, as well as the Partner Users and Partner Admins. This covers both Web and Mobile App Users.

  • The users must be assigned a unique ID, called the Partner Code. This code must remain constant for a user, as it denotes the account of the user in the system. It is the “ID Card” of a user, using this unique ID is how the system will recognize a user.

  • All users who have to be considered for incentives are to be uploaded to the system, without redundancies.

  • A user must also have a unique login ID - either a phone number or an email address, or both.

Need for the feature

  • Every program is intended for a set of users.

  • It is necessary to have certain details of these users, so as to apply correct filters for participant selection and to display incentives for the relevant users.

  • It is necessary to upload user data with a unique identifier for this reason.

Using the Feature

Data Formatting

  • As in any system, some rules must be followed when uploading a user dataset.

  • The users data must mandatorily have the following fields

    • Unique ID ( Partner Code ) for each user

    • Email ID / Phone number

    • Access role name - this defines the level of access you want to give to the user.

      • Brand Super Admin - This is the highest level of user in the system, and has all rights to view, modify and create metrics, programs, connections etc.

      • Brand Admin - Admin within the company, who does not need to be given all the right, but is given the rights to access the following tabs - Dashboard, Programs, Incentives, Reports, Logs and Groups

      • Partner Admin - User who is to be given above rights but is not within the company

      • Brand User - An end user within the company. Will not have only viewing rights

      • Partner User - An end user not within the company. Will only have viewing rights.

    • Superviser - The mail ID of the supervisor( must also be uploaded to the system). In case one doesn’t want to assign a specific supervisor, a default supervisor or a Brand Super Admin can be assigned for all of them.

  • Other fields that are not mandatory but are usually included are Name, Designation, Area, Employee type, Department, DOJ, etc.

  • All numerical values that are to be used for calculation of incentives or any other arithmetic operations must be set to numerical in excel.

  • All dates must be in the DD-MM-YYYY format, and should be set be going to custom format in excel.

  • User data files to be uploaded must be uploaded in the “.csv” format.

Multiple User Templates

  • There may arise a case where you do not want to upload all fields in the user data for some users, for example for Brand Super Admins.

  • In such a case, one can upload users in another “format” or “template”.

  • To do this go to Add Users > Create new User Type

  • This different format will be accessible from the top left corner in the Users tab, as a drop down list.

  • The different templates can be given custom names for easier recognition.

  • An important thing to be noted is that all the active users across all the templates will be considered for the programs that they are eligible for.

  • In case the user template changes, i.e. if columns are added, then one may need to reach out to the Xoxoday tech team to update the relevant views.

User Upload Process

  • Users can be added in 2 ways - Manually or upload via csv file.

  • Manually a user can be uploaded by entering their details in the various boxes according to the template.

  • Click on the "Add Users" icon on the top right corner of the Users management page.

  • This opens the option to add a new user manually.

  • Admin can now add individual user's details such as Name, Supervisor, Access role name, Partner code, Email, Phone, etc.

  • Once done, click on "Add User" to add the user's details to the data.

  • To bulk upload users/ or upload via csv file make sure all the formatting steps are done as mentioned in this section

  • Then go to Add Users on the top right corner and select Import with csv.

  • Make sure the file to be uploaded is in the same template format as set for that user type.

  • Select the file and click next.

  • Check the next page showing the top 3 entities in the dataset. Make sure there are no mapping issues and the data has been mapped to the correct columns as per the template.

  • Click next to start uploading.

  • As soon as the user uploads a file in a corresponding user template, a corresponding record is added in the top of the Logs page/table stating the status of the upload as ‘Processing’ under Records created (please see screenshot below for reference):

  • A successful upload is indicated by the expected number of records under ‘Records Created’ and zero under ‘Records Skipped’.

  • The number of record(s) that fail to upload can be viewed under the ‘Records Skipped’ column - by downloading the csv file by clicking on the download button next to this number, we can view these records and the reason for the failure as the error message in the last column of the downloaded csv.

  • The expectation/next step is to fix these errors and reupload the file for the complete data upload.

  • For a list of usual errors and how to sort them, click here.

User Download Process

  • The entire user base can be downloaded from the system. Just go to users and click on the download button at the top.

  • The users will be downloaded in csv format in the same template structure that is uploaded. It will have an additional column called Status, which will show if a user is Active or disabled.

  • In case the user base is too large to directly download, the file will be sent to the mail of the account that is logged in.

Active and Disabled Users

  • A user can be set as “Active” or “Disabled”. Active users will be considered for the relevant programs, and eligible for incentive. This includes all users from all the templates/user types created. In case a user leaves the company or is terminated, or the company decides they are no longer to be considered for incentives due to certain reasons, one can disable the user. In such a scenario, the user will not be included in the incentive programs set up, and will be eligible to receive incentives.

  • To disable a user, there are 2 ways -

    • Manual Disabling - Simply go to the user section, and search the user you want to disable. Click on the user to open the detailed view and scroll to the bottom. Click on disable there to disable a user.

    • Bulk Disabling - Just like uploading users, users to be disabled can also be uploaded with the updated status. Just add a column called Status at the end and put the word “disabled” in all the entries to disable. Map it with the “Status” field of the template

  • An inactive user will appear grayed out in the system.

Search and Filter

  • The search function is used to directly search an entry with a keyword, without downloading the user dataset.

  • Search can be done based on the keyword of any column, no restrictions.

  • The filter function is located right next to the search icon on the top right side of the dataset.

  • Filter function is used to filter out certain entries based on specific parameters.

  • Values can be selected for 3 parameters -

    • Access Role Name

    • Supervisor

    • Status

  • You can download this specific filtered dataset.

Public Attributes

  • Public Attributes is a set of details that can be enabled by an admin which will allow everyone to view those details about a user.

  • Public attributes can be set from the top right corner, next to the upload button.

  • Whichever details one wants to display about a user publicly can be selected from the checkbox.

  • These details will be displayed to everyone, such as the leaderboard.

  • Whatever Public Attributes are checked, those will be displayed on the leaderboard for everyone to see.

UI Elements

  • On the left panel, one can find the Users tab.

  • In the Users section, on the top is the drop down list for changing between templates

  • On the right there is the download button to download user dataset

  • Next to it is the button to set public attributes for the users

  • Next to that, is the add users button which is used to add users to the system either manually or as a bulk upload.

  • Then the main area of the screen is covered by the view of the dataset, showing details of 10 users by default.

  • In the button right is the rows per page button which allows you to select the number of entries of user data to show on that page.

  • Next to that is the page navigation button used to navigate to the next page of the data set to view the next data in the sequence.


  • How long it takes for people to interact with the feature for the first time, measure of ease of use and adaptability

    • Fairly simple to understand, self explanatory verbatim on the UI

  • How often feature is being used

    • Critical feature, used whenever data for users needs to be updated

  • How long users spend interacting with the feature

    • Depends on the frequency of upload, used/referred to with each upload

  • Abandonment rate

    • None, as this is a critical and frequently used feature

Future Work

For Error messages on user data file upload, the descriptions are being changed.

Last updated