Program Creation - Participant criteria


Feature Objective






A program is a specific campaign that you are looking to run for your users. It will include all the different parameters and calculations that are a part of your campaign, to give you the correct output and final rewards earned by each user based on your set criteria.

When you create any program, you will need to define its characteristics to determine how it will calculate the data and will be visible to end users. This can be achieved through different features available within a program:

Participant Criteria

This document outlines how to add specific participants while creating a new program. This way the program is visible to only those specific users it is applicable to, and not to the rest, ensuring that only relevant programs are shown to each user. It also helps ensure only relevant users are adding in the leaderboard and the ranking shown is accurate.

Additionally, if for a program the rewards vary based on specific user criteria (like designation, location, etc), you can define different groups and then add the relevant rewards for them. This way, in the same program, different rewards can be configured based on the audience.

Feature Objective


Add specific participants to a program


To create programs specific to certain users, customize rewards based on user criteria, and restrict visibility and ranking to only those specific users.



For admins to showcase only relevant programs to users

User flow and design

  • When you create a new program, you first have to define the participants of that program. Participants are users that you want to be a part of that program. Programs will be visible on the app to the users who meet the participants’ criteria. You can either have the participants as all the users in your database, or a specific set of users. This feature helps you classify that.

  • If a program is applicable to all the users in your database, you can keep the Participants criteria as “include everyone” and click on “next” on the bottom right.

  • But if you want specific users only to be a part of a program or customize rewards based on a user criteria, you will need to click on “include a group” option.

  • When you click on the “include a group” option, you will see additional columns appear on the bottom. This is where you get to define the program participants. In the “Name this group of participants”, you can define the name of your participant group. It can be anything from a particular designation, or users from specific location/department, etc.

  • This particular user criteria can be defined by using the “add condition” under “Start creating variable criteria”.

  • When you click on “add condition”, you will get to select from all the user fields that have been added in the user data.

  • You can select the appropriate field (like designation), and then using the “equal to” or “in” function, you can define the criteria for that group. For multiple criterias in a participant condition, “in” condition should be used as opposed to “equal to”.

  • You can add additional participant groups by clicking on the “Add another group” option on the bottom right and following the same steps.

  • Once all the participant groups have been defined, you can click on the “next” button on the bottom right to proceed to the next step to define the relevant milestones.

  • While defining rewards for each milestone, you can customize the rewards for each participant group you created. These groups will be shown under the “Participants” columns on Rewards section. If you select a particular participant group for any reward, that reward will be applicable only to that group. For other groups, you can add reward by just clicking on “Add another reward” option on the bottom right



Program Creation - Participant criteria


Define programs for specific users or customize rewards based on user criteria

User problem

Show only relevant programs to each user and customize rewards for a program based on user criteria

User value

Helps define different participant groups to show only relevant programs to each user and customize their rewards


All the relevant fields for user definition needed for classification are available in the user data

Not doing

Defining participants groups based on metrics or event data

Acceptance criteria

Addition of relevant participant groups based on user data


  • Ease of Use - This is a relatively simple feature of Compass and can be picked up quickly by even new users. You just need to ensure all the necessary fields needed for classification are available in the user data.

  • Frequency of usage - Every time you have to create a new program, you will need to specify the participant group for that program.

  • Time Spent - It is fairly quick to add in a new participant group if you have the necessary info. It shouldn’t take you more than a couple of minutes to do so.

  • Abandonment rate - As long as you have all the info, this should be almost 0.


Q. Are there any prerequisites for program creation?

A. Yes, other than having the user and event/transaction data in Compass, you will also need to create the metrics that are needed for your programs. Without the metrics, you cannot create programs. Additionally, you need to have a data parameter in your event data based on which the program can be configured.

Q. Can a program support multiple rewards?

A. Yes, you can add as many rewards as you need within each program.

Q. Can an output for one program be used for another program?

A. Yes, this can be done using the cascading feature.

Q. Can I select different themes for different users within a program?

A. Only one theme can be selected for a particular program. You cannot customize it for different users within that program.

Last updated